terça-feira, 30 de janeiro de 2018


O incrível mundo das redes sociais é uma fonte inesgotável de lindas inspirações, seja no campo que for.
Estes dois, Gardenista Soucerbook e Casa y Campo são um colírio para os olhos.

Via Instagrams Gardenista e Casa y Campo

2 comentários:

  1. Hello,
    Today I've spent more time on your blog. I see every post, but today I've been able to look back a long time ago. I want to tell you that I access many blogs of this kind (well over 300), but none of them seems so good to me as yours! It's very easy to see, the images flow one after the other, you do not have to make many clicks. Plus that what you present in the images is sensational !!!
    It is a state of well-being, joy without boundaries, inspiration, beautiful, which I think does good anytime and anyone, especially in these times.
    I will hug you warmly, Mia

    1. Wow, Mia, thank you so much for your lovely comment.
      I'm happy to know my selections made you feel inspired and in a state of well-being.
      And that's why I'll keep posting!
      Thank you again and have a happy weekend.
      Hugs from Brasil,


Vou adorar ler seu comentário, além é claro, do prazer enorme de saber que passou por aqui.